877-701-AUTO info@theamgroup.net



How Will the Upcoming iOS 14 Privacy Changes Affect Your Business?

How Will the Upcoming iOS 14 Privacy Changes Affect Your Business?

By now, you may have caught wind of some upcoming privacy changes that may affect your business.   To recap, Apple is making some big changes in its upcoming update for iOS 14 that will improve user privacy. The update is meant to reign in data-hungry advertisers...

Preparing for a Cookie-less World With AMG

Preparing for a Cookie-less World With AMG

So long, third-party cookies. You will not be missed, even by us advertisers. While it’s true that the cookie-less world represents a curveball for the online marketing business, most ad agencies aren’t losing sleep over the issue, and you shouldn’t either. In the...

Three Signs Your Marketing Agency is Over-Relying on Automation

Three Signs Your Marketing Agency is Over-Relying on Automation

Automation is both the best and worst thing to ever happen to market. When applied appropriately, automatic algorithms find impossible patterns in absurd amounts of data. When abused, however, the technology can make for lazy and under-performing marketing....

What You Need To Know About Facebook Special Ad Category

What You Need To Know About Facebook Special Ad Category

If you have been advertising on Facebook for a while, you’ve probably noticed the targeting changes that hit in June of 2019. This was the result of the March 2019 discrimination settlement between Facebook and the National Fair Housing Alliance, the American Civil...

Four Essential Marketing Check-Ups That Will Save You Thousands

Four Essential Marketing Check-Ups That Will Save You Thousands

Maintenance--it's what keeps cars running, and what keeps businesses selling. In that regard, marketing is the same as machinery in that both could use a little upkeep from time to time. A quick check-up now and then will pay huge dividends for your business. It might...

Adapting Your Marketing to the “New Normal”

Adapting Your Marketing to the “New Normal”

“Opportunity” and the COVID crisis go together like peanut butter and . . . motor oil.  The harsh truth is that the sales and marketing game has changed in light of the epidemic, and is, in many ways, worse for wear.    But it’s always darkest before...

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